Match Report: Bournemouth A vs Poole C

Home Game: Bournemouth A vs Poole C
Tuesday 5th February 2019
Division 2 Result 2:2

We had hoped for another comprehensive win, but owing to Phil not being well enough to play the match was far more difficult. The final result was a draw, with our top two players saving the day. Although our position is now more difficult, we still have a good chance of being in Division 2 next season - subject to our infirm player Phil returning to the team for next match!

Paul Errington, Team Captain

Individual Results

Bournemouth Players  Score  Poole Players
O'Neill, M  1 - 0  Popovic, P Dragi
Jackson, Paul A  1 - 0  Patterson, Simon
Willis, Ivan J    0 - 1  Smith, Richard
Errington, Paul T  0 - 1  Reghif, Tarik