
Match Report: Highcliffe B vs Bournemouth B

Highcliffe B vs Bournemouth B

Monday 10th January 2022

Division 3 Result: 2.5 : 1.5

Despite being out-rated across the board it turned out to be a close and exciting match. The first game to finish was board 2, where Dan, unprepared for 1.b4, panicked and lost his rook very early in the opening, correct play by Richard ensured it was a quick win for white. Board 2 was a much closer affair, with both players happy to take the draw. Over to my game on board 3 and despite some strong defensive play from Neil, my attack proved too strong and being material down with more about to fall, Neil resigned. So with the scores level at 1.5-1.5 all eyes turned to board 4 where a very tight game was being played. Knowing a win was needed to seal the match, Tom declined a draw offer from Rob and this decision proved to be the correct one, as subsequently a few moves later an inaccurate move from Rob gave Tom an opportunity which he took, creating a past pawn and that was it, the game was Tom’s and the match Highcliffe’s!

A big thank you to Richard and the rest of the Highcliffe team for being such welcoming host!.

Joe Fearnhead, Team Captain